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Kali Linux — The Linux Distribution Kali Linux is tailored specifically for cybersecurity. It is an open-source tool with a lot of customization options for penetration testing, which aids businesses in identifying their weaknesses. Based on the Debian Linux operating system, Kali Linux is compatible with a variety of hardware. Due to its open-source construction, it may be used for free and legally in a variety of business contexts. For beginners, many experts advise against using Kali Linux; however, people who are interested in cybersecurity frequently benefit from utilizing this particular Linux distribution. With Kali Linux, users can deactivate network services by default, and Kali Linux offers a “single root user” approach for managing privileges. That is beneficial for data forensics and penetration testing, which may be used to identify a company’s vulnerabilities in a risk mitigation effort.

Download: https://www.kali.org/get-kali/

NMAP — The abbreviation NMAP stands for Network Mapper. It is a Linux command-line program that is open-source and used to scan IP addresses and ports in a network and find installed applications. Network administrators may use NMAP to discover which devices are connected to their network, uncover open ports and services, and find security holes. Nmap searches for hosts and services on a network. The software platform then transmits information to the hosts and services it has located, who subsequently reply. Nmap analyzes and deciphers the returned answer before using the data to build a network map. A thorough description of each port’s function, who (or what) is using it, how hosts are connecting, what gets through the firewall, and what doesn’t, as well as a summary of any security vulnerabilities that are discovered, are all included in the map that is produced.

Download: https://nmap.org/download

Nessus — Nessus is an open-source network vulnerability scanner that makes use of the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures architecture to make it simple for security products to cross-link with one another. In order to specify specific threats and prospective assaults, Nessus uses the Nessus Attack Scripting Language (NASL). Nessus features a modular design made up of central servers that do scanning and remote clients that let administrators communicate with one another. Administrators can include NASL descriptions of each alleged vulnerability to create unique scans.

Download: https://www.tenable.com/products/nessus

WireShark — A network capture and protocol analyzer tool called Wireshark. This program, in contrast to tcpdump and ngrep, offers a graphical user interface and can comprehend (also known as decode) various application layer protocols that are included within TCP connections. Its key advantages are the simplicity with which packet captures may be browsed, the user-friendly interface that offers a detailed view of every packet in a capture file, and the comprehensive collection of protocol definitions that enable it to decode a wide range of traffic types. While dealing with a huge capture file, you will need to cut it down using other tools before viewing it in Wireshark because it does not handle excessively large sets of traffic very well.

Download: https://www.wireshark.org/download.html

Aircrack-ng — Aircrack-ng is a notorious set of dangerous tools used for wireless hacking in today’s online world. Both Windows and Linux operating systems support the utilities. It’s vital to keep in mind that Aircrack-ng first gathers data on its targets using other technologies. These programs mostly identify possible hacking targets. The most popular tool for this is Airodump-ng, although Kismet and other solid options also work well. When a client is connected to a wireless access point, Airodump-ng may identify the client. Aircrack-ng takes advantage of this information to break into the access points.

Download: https://www.aircrack-ng.org/

Hashcat— is a well-known and reliable password breaker that is employed by sysadmins, criminals, penetration testers, and spies alike. Cracking passwords differs from guessing web login credentials, which frequently only allow a limited number of attempts before locking your account. Instead, a person who has acquired access to a system that uses encrypted passwords (or “hashes”) will frequently attempt to retrieve those passwords by deciphering the hashes.

Download: https://hashcat.net/hashcat/

A must-read for cybersecurity training.


Military Veteran | Software Engineer | Cloud Engineer | & Cybersecurity Enthusiast

By Ser

Military Veteran | Software Engineer | Cloud Engineer | & Cybersecurity Enthusiast

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